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Shapiro, James. Shakespeare in America: An Anthology from the Revolution to Now. New York: Library of America, 2016.
Smither, Nellie Kroger. A History of the English Theatre in New Orleans. New York: B. Blom, 1967.
Stebbins, Emma. Charlotte Cushman: Her Letters and Memories of Her Life. Boston: Houghton, Osgood, and Company, 1879.
Sterngass, Jon. First Resorts: Pursuing Pleasure at Saratoga Springs, Newport, and Coney Island. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Strong, George Templeton. The Diary of George Templeton Strong: Vol 1. Young Man in New York, 1835-1849. The American Historical Review, Vol. 58, Issue 4, July 1953.
Sturge, Joseph A Visit to the United States in 1841. London: Hamilton, Adams, 1842.
Quinn, Arthur Hobson. A History of American Drama: From the Beginning to the Civil War. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 1951.
Trollope, Francis. Domestic Manners of the Americans. London: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Upham, Charles. Salem Witchcraft, Volumes I and II. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1867.
Vandenhoff, George. Leaves from an Actor’s Note-Book. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1860.
Van Deusen, Glyndon G. William Henry Seward. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1967.
Vaughan, Alden T. and Virginia Mason Vaughan. Shakespeare in America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Warren, Robin O. Women on Southern Stages, 1800-1865: Performance, Gender and Identity in a Golden Age of American Theater. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2016.
Watermeier, Daniel J. American Tragedian: The Life of Edwin Booth. St. Louis: University of Missouri Press, 2015.
Waters, Clara Erskine Clement. Charlotte Cushman. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1882.
Wilmeth, Don B., and Tice L. Miller, eds. The Cambridge Guide to American Theatre. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Wilson, James Grant and John Fiske. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography. New York: D. Appleton, 1909.
Wolter, Jurgen C. The Dawning of American Drama: American Dramatic Criticism, 1746–1915. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Contributions in Theatre Criticism, 1993.
A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
Abolitionists, 41, 108, 115, 153
Adventure stories, 14, 60
African-Americans, 66, 120, 150
African Grove Theatre, 66 (New York City), 66
Albany, New York, 51–55, 60, 144
Alcoholism, 47, 55, 143
Alcott, Bronson, 77
Alcott, Louisa May, 7–8, 142
“Allerleirauh” (Brothers Grimm), 74
American Notes (Dickens), 93–94
Amusements (entertainment publication), 83
Anderton, Sarah, 112
Angel of the Waters (Stebbins), 147, 160, 180
Anesthesia, 5–6, 160
Arcadia Club (New York City), 4
Astor Place Opera House (New York City), 120
Astor Place Riots, 120–21
Atlantic Monthly, 171
Austen, Jane, 109
Babbit, Augustus (Charlotte’s uncle), 11, 15, 19, 24
Babbit, Charles, 11
Babbit, Charlotte, 13
Badeau, Adam, 143
Barnum, P. T., 46
Barrett, Arabella, 119
Barton, James, 41
Bathe at Newport, The (Homer), 163, 164
Beethoven, Ludwig von, 173
Bel Air, Maryland, 143
Benjamin, Park, 67–68
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 129
Bethesda Fountain (Central Park), 147, 180
Bible, 13, 28, 155
Bill Sikes (character in Oliver Twist) 75–76
Blackface minstrel shows, 66
Boardinghouses, 17–19, 30, 34, 44, 50
Bohemianism, 126
Boone, Daniel, 14
Booth, Asia, 142
Booth, Edwin, 151, 152, 157, 158, 161 alcoholism of, 55
marriage of, 142–44
theatre owned by, 2–4
Booth, Edwina, 151, 158
Booth, John Wilkes, 55, 142, 157–58
Booth, Junius, 54–55, 95, 142, 143–43
Booth, Junius, Jr., 142, 143, 157
Booth, Mary Devlin, 142–44, 143, 151
Booth’s Theatre (New York City), 2–4
Boston, 10–19, 41, 139, 142, 160 Charlotte’s childhood and adolescence in, 13–19 169
Charlotte’s death in, 169–73
Common in, 12, 18, 170
literary friends in, 124, 126
Long Wharf in, 16, 18, 55, 91, 169
opera in, 28–31
theatres in, 11, 19, 23, 24, 26, 28, 40
Bowery Theatre (New York City), 41, 45–49, 74, 129
Braham, John, 61–62, 64
Breast cancer, 5–6, 147, 159, 167
Breeches parts, 3, 82, 180
Brewster, Annie, 69
British, 9, 10, 13–14, 19, 33, 112 attitudes toward Americans of, 9, 93–94, 120
theatre culture of, 22, 23, 25, 78
Broadway Theatre (New York City), 117
Bromley, Isaac, 171
Brooklyn Eagle, 65, 77, 98, 108, 125
Brooks, Noah, 171
Brothers Grimm, 13, 74
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 115, 118–19
Browning, Robert, 93
Brownson, Orestes, 77
Brutus (character in Julius Caesar), 157
Bryant, William Cullen, 3–4
Bull Run, Battle of, 150
Burned District (New York City), 45–46
Burton, William, 36
Butler, Pierce, 85
Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 14
Caldwell, James, 34–36, 38
California, 143
Cancer, 5–6, 147, 159, 167
Carlyle, Jane Welsh, 109, 110, 135
Carlyle, Thomas, 110
Cenci, Beatrice, 131–32
Central Park (New York City), 147, 157
Chatham Theatre (New York City), 74–75
Cherokees, 14, 119
Chicago, 121–23
Chicago and Great Eastern Railroad, 121–22
Chippendale, Mrs., 61
Chloroform, 5–6, 160
Cinderella (Rossini), 29
Civil War, 149–54, 159
Clarendon, Miss, 67–68
Cleopatra, 10
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 125
Closel, Madame, 40
Clover Hill (Sully family house), 80, 89, 100
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 104, 115
Coleridge, Sara, 115
Collect Pond (New York City), 71, 72
Colosseum (Rome), 130, 139
Compromise of 1850, 149
Confederate Army, 149–50
Constitution, U.S., 22
Cook, Eliza, 110–12
Cooper, Peter, 2
Cooper Union, 2
Coriolanus (Shakespeare), 19, 26
Countess Almaviva (character in Marriage of Figaro), 31
Covent Garden (London), 95
Croton Aqueduct (New York State, 147, 160
Crow, Cornelia, 144
Crow, Wayman, 141, 144
Cunard Line, 151
Cushman, Augustus (Charlotte’s brother), 14–15, 17, 18, 51–52, 55–56 death of, 57, 59, 65, 67
Cushman, Charles “Charlie” (Charlotte’s brother), 13, 14, 16, 17 in London, 96, 112
sales clerk job of, 51, 67, 84
Cushman (originally Merriman), Charles Edwin “Ned” (Susan’s son) 66–67, 69, 70, 84, 170 adopted by Charlotte, 113
birth of, 66
in London,
marriage of, 145–46
in Newport, 160, 161
Cushman, Charlotte: in Albany, 51–56
Bethesda Fountain as tribute to, 147, 180
birth of, 13
breast cancer of, 5–6, 147, 159, 167
breeches parts of, 3 (see also Hamlet and Romeo below)
childhood and adolescence in, 13–19, 169
death of, 169–73
farewell performance of, 1–7
father’s abandonment of, 13, 21, 28, 57
as Hamlet, 3, 81–83, 121, 125–26
as Lady Macbeth, 3, 8, 36, 38–40, 39, 49, 86, 97, 121, 126, 150, 157, 278
as Meg Merrilies in Guy Mannering, 60–65, 63, 73, 95, 121, 126, 174, 178
as Nancy in Oliver Twist, 69–77, 121, 174, 178
in New Orleans, 33–35, 38–41
return to Manhattan of, 44–46
rheumatic fever bout of, 49–50
in Rome, 6, 118, 126, 129–40, 145–46, 150–51, 159, 165
as Romeo, 3, 5, 7, 58, 60, 97, 100–107, 111–12, 121, 126, 136, 142, 144–45, 174
siblings of, see Cushman, Augustus; Cushman Charles; Cushman, Susan
singing voice of, 29–31, 35
train travel by, 42–44, 77–78, 86, 121–23
understanding of Shakespeare by, 78, 83
walking lady roles of, 59, 65, 66
wife of, see Stebbins, Emma
Cushman, Elkanah (Charlotte’s father), 11, 13–14, 16–17, 21, 57
Cushman, Emma Crow (Ned’s wife), 144–46, 154, 160, 161, 165, 170
Cushman, Mary Eliza Babbit (Charlotte’s mother), 11–15, 57–58, 84, 96, 100 in Albany, 51–53
birth of children of, 13–15
boardinghouse run by, 17–19
husband’s abandonment of, 17, 21, 28, 57
in London, 112, 113
marriage of, 11–12
in New York City, 50, 58, 66, 67, 69, 70
Cushman, Susan (Charlotte’s sister), 51, 66–67, 69, 70, 84, 103, 112 childhood of, 14, 17
as Juliet, 100–2
at Laurence salon, 109
marriage to Merriman of, 57–58, 66, 67
in Newport, 161
remarriage of, 113
son of, see Cushman, Charles Edwin “Ned”
Cushman School (Boston), 172
Darwin, Charles, 88
Debt collectors, 17
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 9
Democratic Party, 149
Desdemona (character in Othello), 107
De Staël, Mme. Anna Louise Germaine 87–88
Dickens, Charles, 25, 69–72, 75–77, 113, 124, 174 America criticized by, 93–94
Five Points visited by, 71–72
Dickinson, Emily, 10, 74, 165
Dix, John Adams, 2
Douglas, Stephen A., 149
Douglass, Frederick, 120
Dupin, Amantine Lucile Aurore, see George Sand
Ecuador, 160
Egypt, 10
Elizabeth I, Queen, 87
Emerson, Ellen, 27–28
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 10, 27–28, 51, 52, 77, 169
England, 23, 25, 36, 48, 55, 79, 108, 115–19, 124, 126, 151 touring in, 113
Victorian, 119
voyage to, 87–91, 93–94
See also London and other municipalities
Erie Canal (New York State), 52
Fagin (character in Oliver Twist), 75
Fastnet Rock (Ireland), 91
Faucit, Helen, 94, 117
Female Husband, The (novel), 119
Ferris, George T., 167–68
Fifth Avenue Hotel (New York City), 6
Fireman’s ball (Albany), 53, 54
Five Points (New York City), 71–73, 76
Five Wise Virgins, 134–35
Flaubert, Gustave, 44
Florida, 14
Fontana della Barcaccia (Rome), 129
Ford’s Theatre (Washington, D.C.), 155, 157–58
Forrest, Edwin, 78, 95–99, 116–18, 120, 125
Fort Sumpter, 150
Fourier, Charles, 108
France, 2, 26, 29, 33, 88, 94, 108, 117
Franklin, Benjamin, 12
Gardette, Lizzie, 88
Garland, Mrs., 165
Garrick, David, 86, 101–2
Garrick (ship), 86, 88, 91, 93–94
Gaslight, 27, 40, 74
Germany, 71
Gettysburg Address, 8, 156
Globe Theatre (London), 22
Goneril (role in King Lear), 86
Greek drama, 22, 173, 174
Greeley, Horace, 70
Greenbush Classical School (Albany), 51, 52
Greenwood, Grace, 125, 127, 130, 132, 134, 137
Grover’s Theatre (Washington, D.C., 155
Guy Mannering (Scott), 60–65, 63, 75 See also Meg Merrilies
Hackett, James, 155
Hamblin, Thomas, 41, 46, 47
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 12, 22, 41, 121 Charlotte as, 3, 81–83, 121, 125–26
Siddons as first female to star in, 81–82
Harlem (New York City), 44, 50
Harper’s Bazaar, 173–74
Harvard University, 11
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 7, 10, 22
Hawthorne, Sophia, 7
Hays, Matilda “Max,” 118–19, 124–27, 130, 132, 134–39, 146
Henry VIII (Shakespeare), 3, 124, 126, 167, 174 characters in, 126, 136
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 115–16, 161, 167
Holmes, Mary Ann, 142
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 161
Homer, Winslow, 163, 164
Hosmer, Harriet “Hattie,” 126, 127, 130–36, 139–41
Howard, Horace, 178
Howe, Julia Ward, 161
Howitt, Mary, 109, 112
Hunt, Helen, 159, 165
Hyperion (Longfellow), 89, 124
Illinois, 149, 155
Immigrants, 10, 44, 71, 73, 150
India, 146
Indian Removal Act (1830), 119
Indians, 10, 14, 165
Ireland, 71, 91
Irish Times, 173
Irving, Washington, 163
Italy, 71, 126, 159, 174
Jackson, Andrew, 119
James, Henry, 161, 166–67
James, William, 161, 164, 166–67
Jefferson, Joseph, 48–49
Jewsbury, Geraldine, 110–12
Jolly Bachelors, 126–30, 133–34, 160
Jo’s Boys (Alcott), 8
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 157
Kean, Edmund, 14, 98, 107
Keats, John, 62
Kemble, Fanny, 14, 27, 84–85, 87, 98
King Lear (Shakespeare), 86
King’s Chapel (Boston), 172–73
Knowles, James Sheridan, 106–8
Lady Macbeth, 62 Charlotte as, 3, 8, 36, 38–40, 39, 49, 86, 97, 121, 126, 150, 157, 278
Siddons as, 36–38, 37
Lancet, The, 44
La Scala (Milan), 29
Laurence, Anastasia, 108
Laurence, Samuel, 108, 124
Leopold, Prince, 160
Levine, Lawrence, 177
Lincoln, Abraham, 8, 149–50, 154–59, 172
“Literary Nightmare, A” (Twain), 171
Liverpool (England), 93, 113
London, 87–88, 93–112, 115–16, 146 Charlie Cushman in 96, 112
Charlotte’s arrival in, 93–95
Charlotte’s success in, 97–108, 173
Forrest in, 96–99
Laurence salon in, 108–10
savings for travel to, 78, 83
Susan Cushman in, 100–2, 109, 112
theatres in, 22, 25, 46, 95
women writers in, 109–12
Longfellow, Frances, 124
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 89, 124, 161
Long Wharf (Boston), 16, 18, 55, 91, 169
Macbeth, 97, 120, 150–51, 154–56, 178 See also Lady Macbeth
William Charles, 95, 98, 99, 102, 113 American tour of, 19, 25–27, 77–79, 86
Charlotte’s demand for equal pay with, 118, 125
riots sparked by competition between Forrest and, 120
Maddox, J. M., 95–96, 99, 101
Madison Square Park (New York City), 6
Maeder, Clara Fischer, 31, 40
Maeder, James, 31, 35, 40
Maine, 14
Manassas, Battle of, 150
Manchester, England, 93
Manhattan, 44, 58, 89
Mann, Horace, 147
Mann, Mary Peabody, 147
Marble Faun, The (Hawthorne), 132
Marc Antony (character in Julius Caesar), 157
Marriage of Figaro, The (Mozart), 29, 33–35
Martin Chuzzelwit (Dickens, 94
Massachusetts, 130–31, 165 Senate House, 147
See also Boston and other municipalities
Mayflower (ship), 11, 73
McDonough, John, 155
Medici family, 130
Meg Merrilies (character in Guy Mannering), 60–65, 63, 73, 95, 121, 126, 174, 178
“Meg Merrillies” (Keats), 62
Melville, Herman, 23
Mendelssohn, Felix, 124
Mercer, Sallie, 86, 87, 95, 141, 170
Merchants’ Exchange (New York City), 46
Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare), characters in, 86, 143
Merriman, Charles Edwin “Ned,” see Cushman, Charles Edwin “Ned”
Merriman, Nelson, 57–58, 66
Mexican-American War, 108, 120
Milan, Italy, 29, 34
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 121
Minstrel shows, 66
Missouri Compromise (1920), 14
Mitford, Mary, 115
Mott, Lucretia, 115
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 29, 31
Murger, Henri, 108
Muspratt, James Sheridan, 113
Nancy (prostitute character in Oliver Twist) 69–77, 121, 174, 178
Napoleon, 173
National Guard, 120–21
National Theatre (New York City), 59–66
New England, 12, 31, 33, 103, 131 See also specific states